Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Finishing Something in July

My dear Katie at her lovely blog has started this little month long goal event. The point is to finish something, be it whole story or a certain amount of one, to do with a writing project that you have been meaning to finish but have either been procrastinating or just too busy. And to finish it by August 1st.
Each week there will be a set of questions to answer, intending to check on your progress and help encourage to completion of the goal you've set.
I, personally, am doing one thing differently...unless I change my mind in the next couple days, I will be editing, not writing. We'll see if I change my mind by the weekend...if I do, well, I'll just make a new post for this week!

Here is the first set of questions:

What is your writing goal?
My goal is actually editing, not writing. I want to get a full first edit done Hwinny's Story.

Tell us about this project. Give us a small synopsis.
Well, I've never been able to sit there and edit, both because the idea seems hugely frightening at times and because my story tends to distract me to reading it instead of editing it, so I'm hoping this will help.

How long have you been working on this project?
Since I finished writing it- so about a year and a half.

Introduce us to three of your favorite characters in this project.
You can read more about them here.

How often do you intend to write in order to reach this goal by August first?
In order to finish on time, I shall have to edit around three chapters a day starting Friday (July 6)

How will you make your characters behave long enough to finish this goal?
I'll probably have to tell them over and over to behave and stay as to not distract.

Go to page 16 (or 6, 26, or 66!) of your writing project. Pick your favorite line or snippet on the page.
From page 66- “I wouldn’t say it’s a country so much as it is a land.” Aaron started hesitantly. “Or, well, a realm. A world, really.”

Tea or coffee?
Between the two, definitely tea. I do not like coffee. However, unless I can make some good decaf or herbal iced tea, with how hot it has been lately, I think I'll be sticking to water- or Vitamin Water Zero Lemonade

If I should happen to change my mind by the weekend, I will change everything, of course....and it would probably be The Not-So-Secret Hideaway.


Anonymous said...

This sounds awesome, Rose! Can't wait to read more updates!

Tarissa said...

Hi! I'm stopping by from Katie's link-up. I hope you will make great progress editing your story this month!