Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Deepest Apologies (Finishing Something July)

I'm afraid I shall only be answering the first two questions of this week's Actually Finishing Something July's questions....
The answers to those questions will explain my post title, and why I completely missed the last set of questions, and more.

You’ve little less than a week left in the challenge. Now that the end is in sight, do you think you’ll finish your goal?

Ha! I wish! In fact, that's the point of this post....

For me, the last week and a half has been so chaotic that I’ve hardly had the time to sit down, let alone write. How have you balanced life’s craziness with your writing goals? Late night writing? Scribbling down a few lines while waiting in the grocery check-out line?

That's just the thing- I didn't balance it. The last two weeks have been crazy for me, as well, and now I'm trying to catch up on all the things I put off during those two weeks. I'm afraid I'm beyond the ability of staying up late anymore (it really does affect my health rather negatively if I stay up past 1:30 a.m.), and most nights I was falling asleep on the couch by 10:30 or 11! I barely had time to get every day things done....let alone editing or reading or anything I had hoped to do! And I even failed my driving test....(29 years old and I can't miss a cone in a parking lot when backing into a parking spot???!!!)

Anywho, here is what I am now proposing to do:
As I have no really pressing obligations in the month of August, except hosting Miss Elizabeth Rose on her blog tour on the 13th, (just my brother coming up to visit from Texas, but he'll be doing his own thing, so it should take no time away from me) I plan to actually get that first edit finished by the end of August! A month late, but one does what one has to do.
Likewise, as I shall be doing my editing in August, I shall not be able to do the August Camp NaNo session I was hoping to do. Therefore, I plan to do a NaNo-like session on my own in September. (Maybe Megan will be able to join me then? And if anyone else would like to, as well, let me know and we can make our own little event!) I shall be working on The Not-So-Secret Hideaway.
Then, I shall have October to relax, read, enjoy the local Fall activities and the season in general, and let my imagination start wondering into the realm of So She Dances in preparation for the regular November NaNoWriMo event.
And then I shall collapse. :-P
Shall I actually accomplish all this? We shall see, but that's the plan.

And speaking of hosting blog tours! Don't forget I recently interviewed Miss Amy Dashwood on her tour! Check it out!

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