Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Snippets

I was almost worried I wouldn't have anything much for this month, as I really wanted to be able to have something from So She Dances. Well, that spurred me to finally start writing it! ^.^ And, as you'll see, I've included a few snippets from that, as well as my two Faerie books.
Of course, Snippets of Stories is hosted by the fantabulous Katie at Whisperings Of The Pen.


“Well, at least you didn’t say I shouldn’t be exploring the cave at all. So, are you offering to go with me, then? Because, I’ll warn you, I’m determined to explore it, so I’m going with or without you,” she took a stubborn stance.
~Faerie's Grace: Hwinny's Story

They watched her sail out into the distance. She was a fast ship, built for speed in her size. It was perfect. Just what they needed, and she returned having proved herself to the fullest. 
~Faerie's Grace: Hwinny's Story

When they entered the village, it almost felt like a ghost town. Nobody was out on the streets, and it wasn’t even past sunset. There were hardly even any signs of life coming out of the various houses and buildings. 
~Faerie's Grace: Hwinny's Story

Her feet were starting to ache, she felt fidgety and restless, and she wanted to find out why mother was empty now. Naji had overheard a few courtiers mention that the queen would be placed into one of the royal family crypts the next day- Naji guessed it was because her mother was empty. Did empty people get put into crypts? Why? Her five year old mind was very inquisitive. 
~Faerie's Love: Naji's Story

“But why?” Naji questioned, “Why must it be black? I don’t like black. It is the one color I do not understand.”
~Faerie's Love: Naji's Story

Talitha let her mind wander, carried off by the music to distant worlds- worlds where she could dance as well as any of the people in the room.
~So She Dances

Talitha sat on the bed pulling her legs out of the sockets of her prosthetics. Her stumps had been so hot inside them after such a long day with all that walking, she had sometimes felt like her legs were on fire. The cooler air now on them felt very refreshing. She sat there for a moment, enjoying the sensation, rubbing her stumps gently to get the burning feel of the former heat off them.
~So She Dances

“I felt like watching something funny, yet whimsical, so I chose Nanny McPhee. Sound okay to you?” Michelle double checked.
“Yah, that’s fine.” A smug smile spread across Tallie’s face, “You know me. I’ll take Colin Firth any day!” The two girls laughed and squeed in mutual fan girl delight.
~So She Dances

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