Monday, October 31, 2011

NaNoWriMo Questionnaire: Naji's Story

I decided to join in and attempt to answer this, as well...though I don't know how I'm going to answer some of the questions. (I got this off my friend Megan's blog, and she got it off another.)

1. Sum up your novel in five words, or less.  Faerie princess learns about love. (That was almost impossible to do!)

2. Novel title? Faerie's Love: Naji's Story

3. Sum up your main character(s) in one word. Naji- Compassionate, Lady Henafubi- Loyal, Aqualia- Curious

4. Advice for newbies in three words? A steady pace.

5. Tell us about your secondary characters, how do they affect the story? Well, whether these secondary characters remain secondary and not become main characters is yet to be seen, but they are Sir John and Gavin. Sir John is betrothed to Naji, so that has a major impact on the story,  and Gavin is Aqualia's brother and is very protective of her which causes some interesting situations.

6. Do you plan on staying up till midnight on the 31st? Yes and no. Yes, I'll be staying up until midnight, but only because I don't go to bed until 12:30/1:00 anyway. Will I start writing at that time, instead of waiting until later in the day? No.

7. How many years have you done NaNo? This is my third year. :-)

8. What came first, characters, or plot idea? I guess you could say the characters, as almost all of the ones in this book (second of my Faerie's Virtues series) are also in the first book of the series. However, in general I'd say my characters and plot ideas tend to come at the same time- usually by inspiration of a picture or song, etc.

9. How much prep do you do before November? Not much. I'm more of a "jazz" person- a little basic pre-planning, but mostly fly by the seat of my pants....especially this year. ;-P

10. Now be honest, how do you really feel about NaNo? I dread it the day before, but I'm perfectly fine with it during the rest of the year. Since I like to keep a steady and realistic daily goal, I don't find it too bad.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Little Things Make It All Worth While

Recently, my friend Megan wrote a post listing all the little things in her life that she loves and tends to take for granted. So wonderful an idea was this that, with her prompting, I have agreed to do so, as well.


The relaxing aroma of Mint Magic tea
The heartening taste of Irish Breakfast tea
Mornings where I sleep in and the sun comes shining through my window gentely waking me
Hugs from my nieces and nephew
"I miss you!"
Crisp, refreshing Autumn days
Slightly cool Spring days
Classical music playing during the midday hours
Snuggling under a soft, fleecy blanket
A warm, soft, cuddly kitty
Christmas decorations
Fresh apple cider
Nutella on honey crunchy oat bread
New stump socks
A new empty notebook for my purse
Compfy sweaters
Finding movies and shows I loved as a child, and haven't seen since
The smell of cut cilantro
The smell of lilacs
The first bite into a big, sweet strawberry
Getting things in the mail
My old teddy bear
Jazz music on long summer drives
The feel of a books pages
Rereading books I love
Photos turning out well
The moment something inspires a story, graphics set, or photo
Mornings and afternoons with the tv off
Good days at work
Sunshine through windows
Gloomy, rainy days with a blanket and a book
"Charlie Brown Christmas" snowfalls
Traveling by plane or road trip
Large sweet blueberries bursting in my mouth

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NaNoWriMo Approacheth!

That's right! That month of  literary insanity- and insanity in general. Caffiene highs, paper cuts, carpal tunnel... You get the idea.
Think about it! Less than two weeks until NaNo begins! Let the panic ensue! (I really need to cut down on those exclaimation points...)

This year, I shall be working on the second book of my Faerie's Virtues series, entitled Faerie's Love: Naji's Story. The only thing  is, I still don't have a definite plot, yet. Well, NaNo's motto is, after all, "No plot? No problem!" I just never thought I'd actually be approaching from that stand point. :-P
I have a bit of a general idea of some things I want to happen, I suppose, and I do know the basic theme of the story. I even have the very beginning written, and one of the scenes toward the end. What  goes in the middle? No clue.

To top that off, my parents and I are traveling down to Texas to spend Thanksgiving week at my brother and his wife's house. I've never traveled during November in the last two years I've done NaNo...I have no idea how this will affect my ability to finish. Usually, I like to stay ahead a bit so I can finish before Thanksgiving- makes less stress during the holiday weekend. That's especially important to me, since I work in a restaurant, and things get busy starting that weekend, what with the holiday shoppers and all. I know I won't be able to work on my novel during the travel days...they'll be too busy and full of travel. But since we are flying, thankfully the travel days are just one down and one back up. Hopefully, I'll get to work some each day while I'm down there...probably in the evening after we've returned to my brother's house. I usually work on my novel in the evening, anyway, so I guess that won't be any different- it's just the different location/atmosphere and the possibility that I won't be able to shut myself away for hours. Not to mention new distractions. One distraction that I'm the most concerned about- the dog. Will she leave me alone? Or will she be bugging me? We shall see.

I figure, if I make sure I get my usual 2k each day (not including the travel days, and Thanksgiving Day), and try to push myself to get closer to 3k, if possible, I should be okay. Here's to it!

Now, to some important information about my new book. I have two new characters to introduce!

Lady Aqualia is a Sea Lady (a Sea Woman of the Nobility). She befriends Princess Naji and Lady Henafubi while they are on holiday at the "Pearl Palace"- the royal seaside palace. She has a pendant she wears that holds a blue moonstone, showing that she is the highest born Sea Lady, after her mother.

Sir Gavin is Lady Aqualia's older brother. He is very protective of his only sister, and is very brave.

I'm afraid that's all I know about these two, for now. They shall have to develope further as I write.
And, no, that is not Arthur Darville in that picture. (Rory, for all you Whovians who don't know actor names) But doesn't it knind of look like him???

And, finally, since the NaNo site has not yet put up the ability to upload covers for our novels, I shall show the beautiful cover that our dearest Tooky made for me!

That's Aqualia's necklace! :-D
I'm also working on an alt cover, myself. Whenever I can find the time to work on it, that is. Once it's finished, I'll post it, too. :-)

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it is National Novel Writing Month. The goal? Writing a 50k word novel in the 30 days of November. Crazy, isn't it? ;-)