Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Period Drama Challenge

Miss Laurie is having a period drama challenge at her blog Old-Fashioned Charm. The goal is to watch a certain amount of period dramas (there are various category amounts to pledge to) and review them on your blog between January 7 and July 7- that's 26 weeks!. The number categories she has organized are:
5 Films- Period Film Admirer
8 Films- Period Film Lover
10 Films- Period Film Devotee
12 to 15 Films- Period Film Fanatic

I, personally, have decided on 15-20 films, as I don't have much of a life (let's face it, it's true :-P ). Does that make me Period Film Obsessed? I plan to do at least one film a week, which could enable me to do the full 26, but, of course, I'm giving leeway for anything that may come up. Who knows, though, I could do up to that or more! Still, I'm only going to pledge the 15-20. If you would like to know more about everything this involves, just visit the post at Old-Fashioned Charm to get your answers. (You can also click on the button on the left side bar to get there.)

I am possibly getting a late start on this, though, just as I am on my 2013 reading list, as I am on my second flu bug in a row. :-P This has been causing me not to feel like reading or watching anything. It's amazing I actually felt up to posting this. :-P

I shall be posting a review for each TV drama, movie, or series I watch. They will probably be short and and sweet, knowing myself, but hopefully they shall be good. ;-)
And I shall be adding the name of each (as a link) to this post to create a full list.

Period Drama Reviews